Amion Academy

Block Schedule (Academic Rotation Schedule, Residency & Fellowship)
Block Schedule (Academic Rotation Schedule, Residency & Fellowship)
Block Schedule (Academic Rotation Schedule, Residency & Fellowship)

About the Module

The block schedule is the most important part of most residency and fellowship style schedules. Block rotations determine residents eligibility for many other assignments like calls, shifts, and clinics, and most programs build their block schedule before any other part of their academic year schedule. This module covers the complete process of building or entering a block or rotation schedule in Amion's block schedule view. For more information about Amion for Residencies and Fellowships, continue with the Residency and Fellowship Scheduling Learning Path, or refer to the Residency Scheduling 101 Training Guide.

This module contains about 42 minutes of video training.

Search Keywords: block schedule, rotation, academic year, block dates, academic year, staff, residents, fellows, special requests, vacation, service, highlighter, staffing report, excel

Course Categories

Existing Schedule
New Schedule

Course Instructor

Raygan Kelly
Raygan Kelly
Course Progress
Not started
Module Outline
  1. Block Schedule
    1. Tour the Block Schedule
    2. Adjust Block Dates
    3. Pages Per Staff vs All Staff View
    4. Editing Staff Names
    5. Entering Block Assignments
    6. Entering Special Requests
    7. Block Schedule Service Clinic Availability
    8. Block Scheduling Preferences
    9. Highlighter Tool & Quick Tallies
    10. Service Staffing Report View
    11. Import an Excel Block Schedule
    12. Training Guide/Recap
Block Schedule (Academic Rotation Schedule, Residency & Fellowship)
Block Schedule (Academic Rotation Schedule, Residency & Fellowship)
Course Progress
Not started

About the Module

The block schedule is the most important part of most residency and fellowship style schedules. Block rotations determine residents eligibility for many other assignments like calls, shifts, and clinics, and most programs build their block schedule before any other part of their academic year schedule. This module covers the complete process of building or entering a block or rotation schedule in Amion's block schedule view. For more information about Amion for Residencies and Fellowships, continue with the Residency and Fellowship Scheduling Learning Path, or refer to the Residency Scheduling 101 Training Guide.

This module contains about 42 minutes of video training.

Search Keywords: block schedule, rotation, academic year, block dates, academic year, staff, residents, fellows, special requests, vacation, service, highlighter, staffing report, excel
Module Outline
  1. Block Schedule
    1. Tour the Block Schedule
    2. Adjust Block Dates
    3. Pages Per Staff vs All Staff View
    4. Editing Staff Names
    5. Entering Block Assignments
    6. Entering Special Requests
    7. Block Schedule Service Clinic Availability
    8. Block Scheduling Preferences
    9. Highlighter Tool & Quick Tallies
    10. Service Staffing Report View
    11. Import an Excel Block Schedule
    12. Training Guide/Recap

Course Categories

Existing Schedule
New Schedule

Course Instructor

Raygan Kelly
Raygan Kelly