Amion Academy

Learning Paths
Explore curated sets of courses for a tailored learning experience
Creating a New Provider Schedule
Learning Path
11 Items
Learning Path

Creating a New Provider Schedule

Raygan Kelly

Are you bringing your group's call, shift, or clinic schedule to Amion for the first time? This training is for you!

This learning path takes you from zero up through posting your first schedule to Amion, and includes topics like:

  • What is Amion?
  • Setting up the structure of your schedule
  • Listing staff and contact info
  • Entering assignments
  • Customizing viewing options
  • Publishing and sharing your schedule

If you are scheduling for a residency or fellowship program, we offer separate tools and training. Use the filters on the course catalog page to display Residency training.

Not started
Taking Over an Existing Provider Schedule
Learning Path
10 Items
Learning Path

Taking Over an Existing Provider Schedule

Raygan Kelly

Are you taking over as scheduler for an Amion schedule that is already online? This training is for you!

This learning path covers what youill need to know to get up and running, including topics like:

  • What is Amion?
  • Accessing your schedule as an administrator
  • Updating staff and contact info
  • Removing unused staff or services from your schedule
  • Entering assignments
  • Customizing viewing options
  • Publishing and sharing your schedule

If you are scheduling for a residency or fellowship program, we offer separate tools and training. Use the filters on the course catalog page to display Residency training.

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Residency and Fellowship Scheduling
Learning Path
8 Items
Learning Path

Residency and Fellowship Scheduling

Raygan Kelly

Are you a new Chief Resident, Residency Coordinator, or another person involved in creating or updating a residency program or fellowship schedule on Amion? If so, this training is for you!

Every program is different, and not all utilize every aspect of Amion. These modules are presented in an order designed to help build an understanding of how the parts of your schedule relate to each other. Nearly every scheduler will benefit from the introductory modules, up through the Block Schedule and Call Schedule modules. If your program utilizes Amion for Shift or Clinic schedules, be sure to check out those modules as well. 

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Going Further with Availability, Rules, and Automation
Learning Path
8 Items
Learning Path

Going Further with Availability, Rules, and Automation

Raygan Kelly

Are you wanting to move beyond manual schedule building? This learning path sets the stage for automating schedules by introducing concepts such as:

  • Work Preferences & Availability
  • Off-Schedule Assignments
  • Shift Targets and FTE%
  • Managing Online Requests
  • Swaps
  • Scheduling Rules
  • The Autoscheduler
  • Tallies & Reporting
  • The Timesheet Tool
  • The Simple Web Editor
Not started
Amion Next
Learning Path
5 Items
Learning Path

Amion Next

Raygan Kelly

Learn about Amion Next, the new version of Amion's scheduling platform.

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